A Reason to Fly

I imagined it to be a hot and breezy afternoon, the day Icarus flew. With so much excitement and fervor, he looked towards the sky and saw freedom. Two people flew that day, Daedalus and his so. But only one of them lived.

“Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” by Pieter Bruegel

I think the two spread their wings for different reasons: one wanted to escape, while the other aspired to really fly.

Hubris. Arrogance. Overzealousness.  These are just some of the words that come to mind when this particular Greek myth is discussed in class. Ever since I can remember, this story has always been told in line with other cautionary tales. A parable for “adventurous” youths. A reminder of the dangers of over-ambition.

Oddly, this particular notion never did sit well with me. I often wonder, what if Icarus survived? Would he, then, be viewed differently? Just like soldier from war who escaped death, would he now be called a “hero” instead? I know the analogy is far from exact. But still.

In his determination to resume flight, I did not see a character full of arrogance. I view his character as someone who persisted despite of the people around him and the situation that he was in.

But he flew straight towards the sun!,  you might argue.

Well, who hasn’t?

Chasing the unreachable has been a favorite pastime of our kind since the beginning of time. If we are to take the story as a parable of sort, the sun might have been a symbol of all things bright and beautiful, words to describe most of our greatest dreams and aspiration.

Difficult to reach? Why, certainly.

But only Icarus can say whether it was worth the trip. Neither Daedalus nor all the people below him had the right to say it wasn’t so. The heat of the sun might have melted his wings but perhaps it has only flamed his desire to succeed.

In the realm of reality, we often walk through life dreaming of that day when we are able to reach our own sun and star. Sadly, only a few people can say that they made a serious attempt to reach that goal and only a lucky few who persevered can claim that they have reached it.

Fly for Icarus is the name I decided to give my blog not just as an ode to this interesting fictional character. In truth, my own determination is no match compared to Icarus. I feel that I am more like Daedalus in many aspects. I have spent a long time drawing up plans and goals only to realize that I still sit in the same chair as when I started. I can be cautious to a fault when it comes to difficult life decisions. Despite the many perceived obstacle that keeps me from soaring, I felt that it is high time for me to at least make a decent attempt to get out of the labyrinth that I am in.

From reading other people’s work here in the blogosphere, I see other dreamers like me who are making some baby steps towards something far greater than their present. I started this blog with a goal of creating an avenue where I can  give and receive ideas, thoughts and inspiration from other individualsa  place where I can broaden my horizon.  I hope in time I can find the audacity to fly so that one day, I can say that I have truly lived, just like Icarus.

“Never regret thy fall,
O Icarus of the fearless flight
For the greatest tragedy of them all
Is never to feel the burning light.”

― Oscar Wilde


I have been meaning to write this post but was too lazy to do so. Thanks DailyPrompt, and to CYN, MARGIE,  Rarasaur TMS  and to elkemurphy for our conversations during  on this week’s  Community Pool which made me want to write this post even more.

9 thoughts on “A Reason to Fly

  1. 🙂 It was lovely chatting with you in the pool, and as I said there– my breath is always taken away by the beauty of your site. I loved this post– it’s so poetically said!

  2. Hi Arianne –

    I too enjoyed our conversation. And I adore your post! Well written, and a great perspective.

    Neil says, chuckling (while I am reading your post to him), “I’m right with you, kid! I am glad someone sees Icarus the way I have. And maybe you get to see the Icarus sculpture in Berlin Tegel airport…”

    Fly with Icarus!

    1. It’s quite amazing how a simple topic can open up a conversation between us who are from opposite parts of the world. In a sense, I have already flown. 🙂

      Happy Hearts Day to you and Neil ❤

  3. Funny, I was snooping around your blog and I found this page thinking, “that’s funny; I don’t remember seeing this here!” Now, I see you added it since we swam in the Community Pool! I really, really love how you wrote this up. Very inspired! (Also, I “pressed” your quote back several weeks ago, thinking I would link to your blog — now, I can simply “press this” page…) I’ll keep you in the loop when I do! ~Cyn

    1. Swimming was a really great warm up. I really enjoyed writing this post. 🙂
      Not really sure yet what the “press this” button is for, though haha!
      Oh and I can’t follow your page. I guess I’ll change one of my widget to a blogroll instead.

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